ISE Estate Tour Announcement

Make real money in realestate through joining our Independent Sales Executives . To begin Visit to download your form, fill it and send it to When we receive your form, we will create a login access for you to enjoy unlimited benefits of being a sales executive on the ISE platform.We currently have successfully built 14 estates in various places and will be having our ISE estate tour in march 4th 2021 where we will be visiting all our estates. So you now have the opportunity to tour our various estate with us. Details of our one hour Lashone Properties ISE monthly training will be communicated to you when you duly register. For more inquiries visit our office plot 411b Omofade Crescent Omole Phase 1, Agidingbi Lagos.You can join on zoom by following the details below. ID: 349 469 1485Passcode: ISE Join by Skype for Business

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